Bias By The Colorado State Crime Lab


The Colorado state Attorney General’s office has notified various state agencies of a report of bias by the state crime lab, according to the Denver Post. The bias appears to affect blood tests to be used as evidence in DUI prosecutions. Charges include lack of adequate training, and allowing employees to testify as expert witnesses without the appropriate qualifications. The Colorado Criminal Defense Bar plans to respond to the report, but has expressed that the bias appears to favor convictions over justice. Although the report is already three months old, the governor’s office, the district attorney, and public defender’s offices were just notified of the report this week. The Colorado Criminal Defense Bar believes that hundreds of people may have been falsely convicted of DUI during those three months.

Have you been arrested for DUI in Colorado? Contact an experienced Boulder DUI attorney immediately to discuss your options.

Each year, thousands of people are charged with DUI in Colorado. While drunk driving is a very serious crime, the penalty is severe, and investigation methods can be imprecise. One of the primary pieces of evidence used by prosecutors to obtain convictions is blood testing. When it turns out that the state crime lab is conducting those blood tests in a way that is biased against the accused, a serious miscarriage of justice is taking place.

Denver Criminal Defense AttorneyContact the dedicated Denver DUI attorneys at Steven Louth Law Offices today to discuss your options if you have been accused of driving under the influence. Steven and Zachary Louth have many years of combined experience in protecting the rights of Coloradans who have been accused of crimes. It is vital that you have a knowledgeable Denver DUI attorney who understands how prosecutors build cases, and can design the most effective possible defense for you. An experienced lawyer will look into how the investigation was conducted, and determine whether evidence was obtained illegally. Steven Louth Law Offices will work hard to get you the best possible outcome, both in your criminal case and in your administrative hearing with the DMV. For more information and a FREE CASE EVALUATION, call Steven Louth Law Offices today at (303)442-2297 or use the contact form on this website.

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