Cab Driver Has Been Arrested On Suspicion Of Drunk Driving


A Denver cab driver has been arrested on suspicion of drunk driving in the early hours of July fifth..The driver was arrested near Lincoln Street and East 5th Avenue around three am. He had an open container and had been driving 20-25 mph over the speed limit. He was cited with careless driving, speeding, and driving under the influence. Its also was reported that he had at least one passenger in the vehicle when the incident occurred. The driver is due in court on Monday on charges of DUI.

Driving under the influence (DUI) is taken extremely seriously by the courts and penalties can be severe, even for first time offenders. DUI is one of the more complicated offenses because there are so many issues involved. If you have been charged with a DUI, it is important within the first few days of your arrest to evaluate your case and the specific set of circumstances surrounding your arrest.

Have you been arrested for DUI or suspicion of drunk driving in Denver? Contact an experienced Denver DUI attorney today to discuss your options.

Denver Criminal Defense AttorneySpeak with a dedicated Denver DUI defense attorney at Steven Louth Law Offices today to discuss your options if you or a family member have been charged with a DUI. Steve and Zachary Louth have helped countless Coloradans to get the best possible outcome from a terrible situation when they have been accused of drunk driving. They understand how prosecutors build cases, know how to protect your rights while you are investigated, and can design the most effective possible defense based on the specific details of your case. Call us today for a free case consultation at 303.442.2297


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