June 20, 2019

Teenagers and young adults don’t always make the best decisions. And in Colorado, this includes drinking under the age of 21. Underage drinking might look like no big deal on TV shows and movies, but in reality, your child could face serious penalties and consequences. Learn more about the penalties for underage drinking in Boulder here. 

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May 23, 2019

In the United States, anyone convicted of a felony offense automatically loses their right to own a gun or firearm. The federal Gun Control Act of 1968 regulates the sale of guns, interstate gun transfers, and places restrictions on gun ownership by convicted felons. However, state laws have made it possible for convicted felons to […]

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May 23, 2019

The juvenile justice system in Boulder is focused heavily on rehabilitation. After all, teenagers and young children make mistakes and those mistakes should not necessarily define their entire lives. Instead of punishment, the Colorado Children’s Code guidelines focus on education, providing resources for troubled youth and making sure they have adequate supervision to remain out […]

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April 27, 2019

In the state of Colorado, it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. Colorado concealed weapon permits are issued by the county sheriff and are valid for five years. Prior to obtaining a permit, all applicants must demonstrate complete competence with a handgun. Once the permit is obtained, individuals are then allowed […]

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April 25, 2019

Many people have been drunk in public at some point in their lives. Perhaps you were watching the big game at a pub in Boulder and had one too many beers. Perhaps you were out on the town celebrating at your best friend’s bachelorette party. Perhaps you were toasting your anniversary or birthday with friends […]

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