Cocaine Possession in Denver

In Denver and throughout Colorado, cocaine is considered a Schedule II controlled substance because of its high potential for abuse. Individuals who are arrested with cocaine in their possession will find themselves facing serious drug charges that could escalate to drug trafficking charges, instead of just drug possession. The amount of cocaine in your possession and whether you were caught selling that drug will determine the extent of your charges.

 Colorado Cocaine Possession Law

Possession of cocaine in Denver is a class 6-felony offense if you possess less than 4 grams of the drug. If you are convicted of a class 6 felony offense, you could face the following penalties and consequences:

  • Up to 18 months in prison
  • Maximum of $100,000 fines

If you are arrested with more than 4 grams of cocaine in your possession, it is a class 4 felony offense. If you are convicted of a class 4 felony offense, you face the following penalties and consequences:

  • Up to 6 years in prison
  • Up to $500,000 fines

 Additionally, cocaine possession with the intent to distribute is an enhanced crime that carries increased penalties and consequences.

Being Found Near Cocaine? You Might Get Charged

There are times, however, when you can be accused of possession of cocaine simply by being with someone else who is. When this occurs, you need an experienced Denver drug defense lawyer on your side to protect your rights and your freedom. If the drugs in question were not in your possession at the time of the arrest, you may not be convicted of this crime and your lawyer will use this knowledge to expose the weakness in the prosecution’s case against you.
Yet without an experienced criminal defense lawyer, you may find yourself with a drug conviction on your record—even when you are innocent. In addition, you could find yourself facing enhanced drug charges or drug trafficking charges without probable cause.

Denver criminal defense attorney Steven Louth has successfully fought bogus drug charges in Denver and throughout Colorado. He understands that your future and your freedom are at stake, and as such; he is always ready to fight the tough fight—especially in drug possession cases.

Contact Denver Criminal Defense Attorney Steven Louth

Denver Criminal Defense AttorneyIf you have been arrested and charged with a cocaine possession in Denver, Boulder, or anywhere in Colorado, call Steven Louth Law Offices at 303-442-2297 today for a free case evaluation. No matter how serious the charges are against you, there are ways to fight them. Call today!

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