Colorado Business Owner Accused Swindling People Out Of Money


9 News reports on a Colorado business owner who is accused of swindling numerous people out of money in shady business dealings. Paul Russum recently closed his Forever Bright teeth whitening business, which sold lifetime membership packages for teeth whitening at a future discount. People would pay up front for a membership to a program that in the future would perform teeth whitening services for very low cost. One consumer found that when he tried to make an appointment, the phone number had been disconnected, the store was gone from the Aurora Mall, and the new address listed on the website was a locked office suite. Russum has owned several businesses that have been accused of stealing from or swindling people, and has been charged with theft in the past.

Have you been charged with a crime in Colorado? Speak with a dedicated Denver criminal defense attorney today to discuss your options.

Each year, over 2,000 people are charged with fraud in Colorado, based on statistics reported by the FBI. These charges, which are sometimes filed in federal court, can result in severe penalties including lengthy prison terms and restitution for money taken. While it is easy to read a news article and see that the person described looks guilty, it is important to understand that when you have been accused of a crime, you are entitled to professional, aggressive representation. A criminal trial is very different from a news article, because the person accused is allowed to have their side of the story heard. Of course, this is true whether your case is in the news or not.

Denver Criminal Defense AttorneyContact the dedicated Denver criminal defense attorneys at Steven Louth Law Offices today if you have been charged with a crime, or if you think that you may be. The first step in defending yourself is to ask a lawyer to protect your rights. It is vital to remember that you have rights, but also that investigators and prosecutors may try to sidestep the law and violate your rights. As a former prosecutor himself, Steven Louth understands how police investigate crimes, and how prosecutors assemble cases. He will work to design the most effective defense strategy for you, based on the specific details of your case. For more information and a FREE CASE EVALUATION, contact Steven Louth today at (303)422-2297.

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