Colorado Has its Fair Share of Crime – Just How Safe is the State?

Colorado State Flag - Colorado Has its Fair Share of Crime - Just How Safe is the State?Colorado is one of the most beautiful states in America and 5.3 million people call Colorado “home”. Yet, for all its beauty and outdoor living – Colorado has its fair share of crime. When Colorado legalized marijuana – many feared that crime would escalate in the Centennial State. Is Colorado a crime-ridden state? Just how safe is Colorado?

Numbers, recently reported to the state, indicate the incidence of most major types of violent and property crimes were either down, or held steady, in Fort Collins and across Northern Colorado for 2014. This is good news for those proponents of legalized marijuana. It has been over a year and the sky hasn’t fallen – and Colorado hasn’t become a cesspool for criminal activity.

Yet, not all crime across Colorado has decreased. After having no murders in 2013, Fort Collins witnessed one murder in 2014, while the number of assaults escalated approximately 3.6 percent to 1,337. The cases of larceny and incidences of burglary remained relatively steady at 5,222 reported offenses, up only 20 from the previous year, according to statistics found in the Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s annual report.

Assistant Chief Cory Christensen attributes those numbers to increased patrols in neighborhoods and additional enforcement surrounding the Old Town area, where altercations occur more frequently.  

Across Northern Colorado, many of the perennial figures remained reasonably consistent. Some law enforcement agencies, experienced some drastic changes, however, including Loveland, Larimer County, Weld County, and Windsor.

The Loveland police department responded to one murder in each of the past two years. While a 17 percent increase in incidences of larceny or theft was reported, robberies decreased slightly, and the number of assaults remained the same at 539.

Further Reading: Understanding Colorado’s Bail Bond System

The Sheriff’s Office in Larimer County witnessed two murders in 2014, one more than the year prior. The number of robberies decreased from seven to two, however, the number of assaults rose approximately 8 percent to 369. The most remarkable statistic was the dramatic increase in automobile thefts from 2013- from 39 to 79 thefts.

The Weld County Sheriff’s Office reported two murders in 2014, compared to none in 2013. There was a slight increase in burglaries and thefts, while assaults, in general, decreased by almost 9 percent.

There was a decrease in assaults in Windsor, from 38 percent to 28 percent. Incidences of larceny, however, increased from 131 to 198.

Other CBI statistics of interest from around the state include:

·         Homicides- 172 in 2013 to 150 in 2014, a 12.8 percent decline

·         Aggravated and other assaults– actual numbers of each increased moderately 3.9 percent and 6.9 percent, respectively

·         Violent crimes- increased 1.9 percent overall

·         Property crimes- decrease of 3.1 percent

·         Crime rate per 100,000 residents- down 2.5 percent

What about 2015?

Will 2015 follow 2014 in crime statistics? Comprehensive reports for the first half of 2015 were unavailable, however, it seems the year has begun more lethally than usual. In fact, in May, Windsor experienced its first homicide in almost a decade. Fort Collins and Unincorporated Larimer County have each witnessed a murder. Loveland has reported two murders already.

Safest Places in Colorado?
Some places in Colorado are just safer than others. A recent study by ValuePenguin, found that 5 places, in particular, were exceedingly safe. Those places were:

Small Cities Population 3-8K:

1.    Dacono

2.    Fort Lupton,

3.    Rocky Ford

4.    Eaton

5.    Yuma

Midsize Cities Population 8-20K:

1.    Erie

2.    Johnstown

3.    Firestone

4.    Frederick

5.    Trinidad

Big Cities Population>20K:

1.    Windsor

2.    Castle Rock

3.    Parker

4.    Centennial

5.    Broomfield

Contact Our Experienced Boulder Criminal Defense Lawyers

Boulder Criminal Defense Attorney Steven LouthIf you have been arrested and charged with a crime in Colorado, it is important to understand your charges and the consequences you may face. Even misdemeanor criminal charges can wreck your life and your future. Without an experienced criminal defense attorney in your corner, you may face penalties that far exceed the crime. Contact the Boulder criminal defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices today for a free consultation and review of your case. Call us at (303) 422-2297 to start building a solid defense against these serious criminal charges


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