Do Warmer Winters Cause More Violent Crime?

blue police light at night | Do Warmer Winters Cause More Violent Crime?Do warmer winters cause more violent crime? A recent study from the University of Colorado Boulder suggests they do.  The study compiled data from 16,000 cities across the United States and reviewed climate data from various regions. This data was used to compare the rise or fall of criminal activity with the rise and fall of temperatures. They found that warmer winters led to an increase in violent crimes, such as assault, rape and robbery.

Lead author, Ryan Harp, found that as warmer weather approached, people went outside of their homes, engaged in activities, and traveled around town more. This increased the likelihood of a perpetrator and a victim crossing paths. His theory is driven by what he considers to be the three key ingredients to crime:

  • Motivated offender
  • Suitable targets
  • Absence of a guardian

In warmer weather, all three may be present, thus increasing the likelihood of a violent crime being committed.

Over the last 5 years, violent crime in Colorado has been increasing steadily and over the last decade, violent crime in Denver alone has increased 40%. If warmer winter weather ushers in even more violent crime, what does the forecast look like for 2019?

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, winter is expected to be warmer than normal this year across the High Plains. The coldest periods will be late December, early and late January, and Mid February. Snowfall will be lower than expected as well, meaning violent crime may very well be increasing again this year.


A Violent Crime Charge Can Have Long-Lasting Consequences 

If you are convicted of committing a violent crime in Colorado, you could face a lifetime of penalties and consequences, including:

  • Lengthy prison sentences
  • Hefty fines
  • Lifetime registration as a sex offender
  • Long probation time
  • Restitution to the victims
  • Significant community service
  • Difficulty obtaining housing
  • Reduced employment opportunities
  • Inability to own a firearm or vote

Due to the severity of these consequences, it is important to call an experienced Boulder criminal defense lawyer as soon as you are arrested and charged with a crime. Your lawyer can protect your rights throughout the legal process and petition the courts for reduced sentences or a complete dismissal of your case entirely. Without the right lawyer on your side, you may not be able to properly defend yourself against a zealous state prosecutor.

Contact Our Boulder Criminal Defense Lawyers Today

Steven Louth Law Offices - Boulder, CO criminal defense lawyersIf you or someone you love has been arrested and charged with a crime this winter, we can help you protect your future and your freedom. Criminal convictions can have a long-lasting and damaging effect on your life. As such, it is best to fight these charges aggressively to avoid having a felony criminal record. Contact the Boulder criminal defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices today for a free consultation and review of your case. Call us at (303) 422-2297 to start building a solid defense against these serious criminal charges.

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