DUI Charges Resulting in Injury or Property Damage

Police car in pursuit | DUI charges resulting in injury or property damageA 23-year-old woman was arrested and charged with DUI after she struck and injured a Boulder Police Officer in October.

The officer had reportedly pulled another vehicle over on the shoulder of the westbound lanes of U.S. 36 when Leyla Walker hit the officer with her car. A second vehicle was involved despite the driver’s efforts to avoid the collision. Colorado State Troopers report the officer was taken to the hospital and treated for a minor leg injury.

Consequences of DUI Charges

A charge of driving under the influence can carry some pretty stiff penalties by itself. DUI charges resulting in injury or property damage could carry even harsher penalties. In fact, penalties can be doubled when injuries or property damage are involved- even for first-time offenders.

A driver can easily be sentenced to one year in jail and a $2,000 fine for a first offense DUI involving any injuries or damage to property. Felony vehicular assault charges will be filed against you if you seriously injure another person as a result of your DUI. Furthermore, Colorado charges vehicular homicide when a DUI accident results in a fatality.

Most accidents that result from a DUI allegation in Colorado also include the charge of Careless Driving. Colorado statute C.R.S. § 42-4-1402 makes it illegal to operate a motor vehicle in a manner deemed reckless and irresponsible. Driver’s license revocation and automobile insurance rate increases could be further consequences of the additional charge of Careless Driving.

Further Reading: Implied Refusal for DUI in Boulder

Defenses for Property Damage or Injury During a DUI

If your circumstances involve any property damage or bodily injuries, it is prudent to speak with a skilled DUI attorney immediately. He or she will be able to review your arrest records and begin establishing several defenses that you can present in court to possibly avoid the devastating consequences associated with this type of DUI charge.

Your attorney will evaluate your situation and establish the best defense based on some of the following factors:

  • Whether you were actually behind the wheel of the vehicle at the time of the accident
  • The manner in which evidence was taken at the crash scene
  • If you were injured in the accident and whether those injuries affected your ability to pass the field sobriety tests
  • If chemical tests were ever performed on your breath or blood
  • If your Miranda rights were read to you by the arresting officer

Any charges associated with driving under the influence can carry life altering consequences. If you are facing any of these charges, you should speak to an attorney immediately to avoid the worst-case scenarios.

Contact Our Boulder DUI Defense Attorneys

Boulder DUI Defense Attorney Steven LouthIf you have been charged with DUI in Boulder, Denver, or anywhere in the State of Colorado, it is important to speak to an experienced DUI defense attorney immediately. Contact the Boulder criminal defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices today for a free consultation and review of your case. Call us at (303) 422-2297 to start building a solid defense against these serious criminal charges.






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