Ex-Mayor Charged with Vehicular Homicide in Boulder

police car at night with evidence marker 17 | Ex-Mayor Charged with Vehicular Homicide in BoulderBoulder’s former mayor, Bob Greenlee has been charged with nine criminal counts related to a deadly 2016 five-car collision in southern Colorado.

Among the charges brought against the former mayor, are criminally negligent homicide, vehicular homicide, vehicular assault, reckless driving, reckless endangerment, improper passing on the left, speeding, and two counts of careless driving causing injury.

The charges stem from a five-car collision in southern Colorado in December of last year. The accident claimed the life of 70-year old Pat Lucero of Monte Vista and hospitalized Greenlee and his wife with critical injuries.

According to the Colorado State Patrol, Greenlee was driving a 2003 Cadillac Escalade at 87 mph in a westbound lane of U.S. 160 between Walsenburg and Alamosa when the accident occurred- the posted speed limit is 65 mph.

The report indicates that, while speeding, Greenlee improperly moved into the on-coming lane of traffic to pass another vehicle when he collided with the 2010 Toyota Camry driven by Lucero. The collision caused the Camry to strike a tractor-trailer and cross into the westbound lanes where it then collided with a 2006 Kia Spectra. Greenlee’s Escalade continued to travel westbound colliding head-on with BMW X5 that was traveling east. Investigators say the collision caused the BMW to roll onto its side.

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The collision sent seven people to area hospitals, including Greenlee and his wife. Lucero was pronounced dead at the scene.

Nearly two months after the accident, charges were filed against Greenlee in Alamosa where he is set to appear for an arraignment on March 28.

Vehicular homicide- the most serious charge- could carry with it a 2 to 6-year prison sentence.

Crista Newmyer-Olsen, the twelfth Judicial District Attorney, notes that accident reconstruction contributed to the delay in charges being filed. She points out that in addition to Greenlee’s accident, her office is also conducting investigations into another fatal accident and a triple homicide.

In addition to serving as Boulder’s mayor from 1998-1999, Greenlee also served on the Boulder City Council. As a republican, he ran unsuccessfully for Colorado’s 2nd Congressional District seat in Congress.

Greenlee also founded the Boulder radio station, KBCO, which he sold to the San Diego-based company Noble in 1987 for $27.3 million. He co-founded Rock Bottom Restaurants and writes opinion columns for the Daily Camera.

Contact Our Boulder Criminal Defense Lawyers

Boulder Criminal Defense Lawyer Steven LouthIf you or someone you love has been arrested and charged with vehicular homicide in Boulder, it is important to contact an experienced and skilled Boulder Criminal Defense Attorney immediately. Your future and your freedom depends on building a solid defense against these serious charges. Contact the Boulder criminal defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices today for a free consultation and review of your case. Call us at (303) 422-2297 to start building a solid defense against these serious criminal charges.


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