Fourth of July DUI Crackdown Nets 271 Arrests — Looking Ahead to Labor Day

Pulled over by police car - Fourth of July DUI Crackdown Nets 271 ArrestsIn a Fourth of July DUI Crackdown, the state of Colorado arrested 271 drivers who were allegedly driving under the influence. The Colorado Department of Transportation joined with Colorado State Patrol and 93 local law enforcement agencies to flood the state’s roads with DUI patrols. CDOT’s The Heat Is On Campaign was responsible for the increase in DUI enforcement, which ran from July 3rd-July 6th. Residents of the state saw an escalation in the number of sobriety checkpoints as well as heightened law enforcement patrols. The numbers were down this year from 303 arrests during the same holiday time last year. The campaign will continue through Labor Day weekend.

Holidays See Spike in DUI Arrests

DUI arrests tend to peak around holidays which often involve gatherings with friends and family. Those gatherings often include alcohol. Since a significant number of Americans travel during the holidays, more people are on the road at the same time more impaired drivers are getting behind the wheel. Labor Day typically has a high incidence of DUI arrests. Many people think of Labor Day as their last fling before the weather turns colder and outside activities are no longer possible.

Further Reading: The Crackdown on DUIs in Colorado Has Begun

Be Safe This Labor Day

So, for the upcoming Labor Day holiday, remember there will be an increase in DUI checkpoints and heightened law enforcement patrols during the long weekend. Don’t become a statistic by being arrested for DUI, and don’t even drive “buzzed.” Consider the following tips for keeping yourself and others safe during the Labor Day holiday:

·         Despite the public service announcements and information on designated drivers, too many people don’t have a non-drinking driver in place when they start drinking. Most drivers simply think they won’t have that much to drink, so there is no need to have a designated driver, then the party gets lively and before you know it, you’ve had too much to drink and there is not a sober driver to get you home safely. Plan for any eventuality and designate a driver before you leave the house.

·         Ensure you are up to speed on the laws regarding alcohol in city and national parks and other public areas. Know Colorado’s DUI laws and penalties—it could convince you it is simply not worth it to drive while impaired.

·         Use your best judgment on this last summer fling; don’t drink that extra drink, and never place yourself in a situation which could have far-reaching consequences and even change your life forever.

·         If you are planning on drinking, plan to drink plenty of water as well. Forgetting to drink water can lead to dehydration, causing you to drink more alcohol. 1:1 is the ideal ratio of alcohol and water.  

Contact Our Boulder Criminal Defense Lawyers

Boulder DUI Attorney Steven LouthIf you have been arrested for DUI in Boulder or anywhere in the State of Colorado, it is important to speak to a knowledgeable and reputable DUI defense lawyer immediately. Contact the Boulder criminal defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices today for a free consultation and review of your case. Call us at (303) 422-2297 to start building a solid defense against these serious criminal charges.





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