Stoned Behind the Wheel – Colorado’s “Drive High, Get A DUI” Campaign

Stoned Behind the Wheel - Colorado's "Drive High, Get A DUI" CampaignImagine you are walking along and see a car parked on the side of the road with smoke billowing out of its windows. Then, as the smoke clears out of the car, a sign becomes visible that reads, “Drive High, Get a DUI.” What would you think? Would it remind you not to get stoned behind the wheel?

If it would, then mission accomplished.

Colorado has launched a new campaign reminding drivers not to operate a motor vehicle after smoking marijuana. The focal points of that project are two vehicles that fill with smoke and then are quickly cleared by fans displaying a sign that warns observers, “Drive High, Get a DUI.”

In their effort to remind residents that, while marijuana use is legal, it is not always proper, Colorado state officials have begun stealthily parking the vehicles outside venues where large crowds tend to gather. The smoke is activated remotely, drawing people’s attention, then fans rapidly clear the harmless, water-based smoke away to expose the warning sign.

The latest campaign targets young men, the group that comprises the largest percentage of frequent marijuana users, reminding them- and everyone- that public use of marijuana is illegal. The use of marijuana in passenger cars, and while operating a motor vehicle are also illegal, along with use of alcohol and prescription drugs.

From 2006 to 2010, among all drivers involved in deadly car accidents, it was discovered that 84 percent of those were alcohol-impaired. The remaining 16% of motorists tested positive for cannabis. While law enforcement and public safety officials still focus heavily on alcohol-impaired drivers, they are targeting marijuana abuse behind the wheel.

Read More: When Your Child is Arrested for DUI

Since legalizing recreational marijuana on January 1, 2014, Colorado has introduced several campaigns highlighting marijuana laws, including the effective, yet questionable, “Don’t Be a Lab Rat” campaign which targeted kids. This year’s $5.7 million “Good to Know” campaign uses proceeds from the state tax on recreational marijuana to remind the public about marijuana use laws. Additionally, video games have been placed inside some Denver dispensaries. At first glance, the machines appear to be racing games, but later display a cautionary message about stoned driving.

The awareness campaigns were mandated by state lawmakers and safety and health regulators to alleviate worries that residents and visitors might abuse marijuana.

In April, reporters got a close look at one of the $10,000 smoke cars as Colorado DOT officials spotlighted its features. Officials hope the strange-looking sight will encourage on-lookers to snap pictures of the vehicles and post them to social media, broadening the impact of the message.

Contact Our Colorado DUI Defense Lawyers

Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney Steven LouthIf you or someone you love has been arrested and charged with DUI in Boulder, Denver, or anywhere in Colorado, you need an experienced Boulder DUI Defense lawyer on your side immediately. We can help protect your driving record and your future. Contact the Boulder criminal defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices today for a free consultation and review of your case. Call us at (303) 422-2297 to start building a solid defense against these serious criminal charges.


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