Getting Arrested for DUI in Colorado is Serious

police cars at dui checkpoint | Arrested for DUI in ColoradoAccording to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly 29 people die each day in vehicle crashes involving alcohol in the United States. In Colorado alone, the Department of Transportation reports that 226 motor vehicle accident fatalities occurred as a result of alcohol-impairment in 2017. Despite education about the dangers of impaired driving, and current enforcement strategies, the number of people getting arrested for DUI in Colorado appears to be on the rise.

Colorado’s campaign to reduce impaired driving couldn’t have come at a better time. In 2017, impaired drivers caused approximately one-third of all traffic fatalities. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) provided funding to help crack down on the number of impaired drivers on the road. An important step was increasing the number of enforcement periods that occurred throughout the year to 14, up from 12 in 2016. These enforcement periods were planned to occur around public events as well as national holidays, and involved an increase in the number of patrols out on the roads. The results speak for themselves: CDOT reported that a total of 10,359 DUI arrests were made for impaired driving in 2017, in comparison to 7,297 in 2016.

The penalties for DUI in Colorado are some of the strictest in the United States. Circumstances of the case and whether the person has any previous convictions are factors in determining the penalty.

First DUI Offense:

  • Fines between $600 – $1000
  • Jail time up to 1 year
  • License suspension for 9 months
  • Community service for 48 to 96 hours
  • Probation – possible up to 2 years

Second DUI Offense:

  • Fines between $600 – $1000
  • Jail time up to 1 year
  • License suspension for 12 months
  • Ignition Interlock device installed for 2 years after licence is reinstated
  • Community service for 48 to 120 hours
  • Probation served for at least 2 years
  • Alcohol and safety education program

Third DUI Offense:

  • Fines between $600 – $1500
  • Jail time from 60 days to 1 year
  • License suspension for 24 months
  • Ignition Interlock device installed for 2 years after licence is reinstated
  • Community service for 48 to 120 hours
  • Probation served for at least 2 years
  • Alcohol and safety education program

Further Reading: The Legal Ramifications of  a DUI Charge

Contact Our Boulder DUI Defense Attorneys Today

The DUI defense attorneys of the Steven Louth Law OfficesIn the state of Colorado, you only have 7 days after being charged to file for a hearing with the DMV to save your drivers licence. Knowing your rights and having an experienced lawyer on your side will be invaluable during this time. Contact the Boulder DUI defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices today for a free consultation and review of your case. Call us at (303) 422-2297 to start building a solid defense against these serious criminal charges.


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