Man Charged With 5th DUI | Boulder Criminal Defense Attorney

According to the Boulder Daily Camera, a man who has been accused of DUI in a crash that resulted in a pregnant woman losing her baby has been charged with multiple DUI offenses in the past. People familiar with the case have used it to call into question the way that DUI is enforced, and the penalties that people receive for DUI. In this case, the man left the scene of the crash and was picked up some distance away. This is his fifth DUI charge; the Boulder district attorney has said that he would like to see the more serious penalties for repeat DUI offenders than exist under the current laws.

Have you been charged with a DUI in Boulder County? Contact a dedicated, aggressive Boulder criminal defense attorney immediately to protect your rights.

Under current Colorado law, DUI is a misdemeanor offense, which carries administrative penalties in addition to the criminal penalties. Generally speaking, for offenders with two or more previous DUI conviction, the maximum penalty would be one year in jail, and loss of their driver's license for two years. If someone is convicted of three DUIs in a time span of less than seven years, the loss of driver's license could go up to five years.

If you have been charged with DUI, you need to speak to an aggressive, experienced Boulder criminal defense attorney immediately. Steven Louth is a former Boulder County prosecutor who possesses a thorough understanding of how DUI is prosecuted, and how to get the best possible outcome for you. With DUI charges, you not only face jail time, stiff fines, and the loss of your driver's license, but in many cases you could lose your job. Boulder criminal defense attorney Steven Louth can fight hard to prevent that from happening. For more information and a FREE CONSULTATION, contact Steven today at (303)442-2297.

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