Post Office Vandalism | Boulder Federal Criminal Defense Attorney

Boulder's downtown Post Office has announced that they will scale back lobby hours in order to prevent further instances in a rash of mail box break-ins that has been going on, according to the Boulder Daily Camera. The lobby had been open 24 hours, as is the case with many post offices, so that post office box customers could check their mail whenever is convenient for them. Unfortunately, the vandalism and mailbox break-ins have prompted a move to restrict the lobby hours to slightly more than normal business hours on weekdays. While this change may be an inconvenience to many consumers, the Post Office believes that it is a temporary situation.

Have you been charged with a Federal crime? Contact an experienced Boulder federal criminal defense attorney immediately to protect your rights.

The Postal Inspection Service is investigating the break-ins, which will be considered a federal crime because the Post Office is federal property. While it is impossible to know what the motive of the vandal was, this person may be facing very serious charges for what he or she may have thought of as a relatively harmless crime. Federal crimes are tried in Federal Court, as opposed to State Court; the rules and procedures are different, the penalties in the event of conviction are often more severe, and not all Boulder criminal defense attorneys are allowed to practice in federal court.

If you have been charged with a federal crime in Boulder County, speak with a dedicated, aggressive Boulder federal criminal defense attorney immediately to protect your rights. You need an attorney who not only has the legal skills to effectively defend a case, but he or she must also have experience working with the different procedures and rules involved in trying a case in federal court. Steven Louth is an experienced Boulder federal criminal defense attorney who, having previously been a Boulder County prosecutor, understands how the prosecution is likely to build its case. This insight helps him to design an effective defense strategy for you. For more information and a FREE CASE EVALUATION contact Steven at (303)442-2297 today.

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