Texas Driver Charged With DUI in Boulder | Steven Louth Criminal Defense Lawyer in Boulder

In Boulder The Daily Camera reported a DUI accident that occurred on the diagonal highway. Dean Carlson is a resident of Texas with a prior record of driving under the influence. He is being charged with a DUI after a State Trooper reported to a car crash. Carlson was driving on the wrong side of the highway. After the accident Carlson was reported as smelling strongly of alcohol and admitted to being to a few bars. Carlson is being charged with two counts of vehicular assault while driving under the influence and two counts of vehicular assault, both of which are major felonies. The other charges that he will face are driving under the influence, reckless driving and driving down the wrong side of a divided highway, all three of these are misdemeanors. Carlson hit another car with two passengers Daniel Mays and Sean Balog. Mays suffered a coma and is not expected to make a full recovery, Balog went to the hospital for internal injuries but was released later on that same day.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you need to speak to a criminal defense lawyer in Boulder.

According to NoDUIColorado.org, in Boulder county there were reported 1,005 cases of driving under the influence in 2011. The average BAC level for those DUI's was 0.155. The legal cut off for DUI is being at or above 0.08 you are driving impaired when between 0.05 and 0.08. Driving under the influence is still a serious issue in most cities. Most would agree that driving under the influence is dangerous and a serious charge. People can lose their license and be charged criminally.

If you are being charged with a DUI speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Boulder. Steven Louth has been working countless cases involving driving under the influence of alcohol. Often these cases result in wrecks and jail time. Don't let your case cause you to lose your job or license, speak with a professional criminal defense lawyer in Boulder now! Call Steven Louth at (303) 442-2297 today!

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