Theft Charges Explained | Boulder Criminal Defense Attorney

Thief stealing a mobile phoneIf you have been arrested for theft in Colorado, you will probably have many questions. You may even be unsure of exactly what those charges really mean.

First of all, there is a legal difference between robbery and theft. Robbery entails taking something from an actual person, theft is defined as a property crime. Additionally, there is a crime known as “theft by receiving,” which implies that you took possession of something even though you know it’s stolen.

Theft crimes are classified as petty, misdemeanor or felony offenses, and restitution is required upon conviction. There are many different offenses that fall under the crime of theft, including shoplifting, credit card fraud, insurance fraud, identity theft, automobile theft, embezzlement or burglary.

Theft crimes occur when one person obtains- by actually taking, taking by threat, or taking by deception- the property of another person without the consent of the true owner. Theft can also be charged if someone is accused of tricking another person into handing over money or property under false pretenses.

If you have been arrested and charged with a theft-related crime, you will need the help of a Denver Criminal Attorney to safeguard your rights. Theft charges in Colorado that result in conviction- even as a misdemeanor- can have far reaching implications.

The degree of trouble a person might face for theft will vary widely, depending on the value of the property in question. However, the legal and personal ramifications for a theft conviction will be dire, regardless of whether you are facing a misdemeanor or felony theft charge. Fines, probation, limited access to certain locations, restricted fourth amendment rights, and the possibility of priors on your record are some of the life-altering consequences you could face.

Further Reading: Avoiding New Years Eve Criminal Charges

Additionally, because theft crimes are viewed as signs of moral corruption, a conviction could be detrimental to your ability to find or keep a job. A conviction could also negatively impact your ability to gain admission to school or qualify for financial aid.

Misdemeanor Theft Convictions carry the following penalties:

  • Class 1 Misdemeanor– for amounts ranging from $750.01 to $1,999.99; punishable by up to 18 months in jail and/or $5,000.00 fine
  • Class 2 Misdemeanor- for amounts ranging from $300.00 to $750.00; punishable by up to 12 months in jail and/or $1,000.00 fine
  • Class 3 Misdemeanor- for amounts ranging from $50.00 to $299.99; punishable by up to six months in jail and/or a fine
  • Class 1 petty Offense- amounts under $50.00; punishable by up to six months in jail and/or a fine

Felony theft charges range from Class 6 to Class 2, dealing with progressively larger amounts as the Class number gets smaller. Subsequently, the incarceration time and fines increase as well- up to 24 years in prison and a $1million fine for theft amounts valued over $1 million.

Contact Our Boulder Criminal Defense Lawyers

Boulder Theft Charges Criminal Defense Attorney Steven LouthIf you have been arrested for a theft crime, it is important to understand the severity of the charges against you and begin building an aggressive defense. Contact the Boulder criminal defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices today for a free consultation and review of your case. Call us at (303) 422-2297 to start building a solid defense against these serious criminal charges.



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