Understanding Domestic Violence in Colorado

man in handcuffs from behind | Domestic Violence in ColoradoRecent news reports have brought attention to the issue of domestic violence in Colorado and across the entire nation. Yet, despite the publicity, domestic violence is still just as prevalent as it was before, with most abuse still happening behind closed doors. Survivors of domestic violence are often so frightened and intimidated of their spouse or significant other that they believe they cannot leave—both because they fear retaliation and for financial reasons as well. And, the “typical” batterer does not abuse all the time. They often claim to be sorry, saying they will never do it again—until they do. It is estimated that the battered woman will leave five to seven times before she leaves for good, simply because the abuser may be a charmer, who returns to charm—then to abuse—time and time again.  There is also the fact that a piece of paper in the form of a restraining order does not stop a fist or a bullet, and many women are literally terrified of what will happen if they file a restraining order, and the court does not back them up.

But what happens if you are the one accused of domestic violence?

If you have been accused of domestic violence, it can be a terrifying experience. What started out as a fight may have escalated and lines may have been crossed, or the accusation may be completely false. No matter what the circumstances surrounding the accusations, it is important to understand the severity and the long-term repercussions of having a restraining order filed against you.

Colorado law considers domestic violence C.R.S. 18-6-800.3 as an act or threatened act of violence with someone who you are in an intimate relationship with. This can include a spouse, former spouse, partner, or parent of your child. Domestic violence itself is not a crime but it can have serious consequences nonetheless. It is a sentence enhancer that is used in connection with another crime, such as assault or battery or destruction of property. If a police officer arrives at your home and suspects that domestic violence has occurred, you will be arrested – Colorado is considered a mandatory arrest state.

Once you have been arrested for domestic violence, a restraining order will be filed against you. This means that you cannot have any contact with the alleged victim – as long as the restraining order is in effect. This means no talking, no texting, no emailing. If you break these rules, you can be charged with violating your restraining order.

Further Reading: The Legal Ramifications of DUI Charges

Don’t Attempt to Fight These Charges Alone

Charges of domestic violence are serious and restraining orders can make it difficult for you to spend time with your children, live in your own home, and see your friends. When you are facing charges of domestic violence or if a restraining order has been filed against you, you need an experienced and skilled Colorado criminal defense lawyer on your side from the very start. These are very serious charges and if you are convicted you could face federally mandated restrictions related to gun ownership, government employment, military service, and more. You could even face deportation if you are not a U.S. citizen.

Contact Our Boulder Criminal Defense Lawyers

Steven LouthIf you or someone you love has been arrested for domestic violence, it is important to begin fighting these serious accusations from the beginning. Protect your future by calling an experienced Boulder domestic violence lawyer today. Contact the Boulder criminal defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices today for a free consultation and review of your case. Call us at (303) 422-2297 to start building a solid defense against these serious criminal charges.


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