Woman Charged In DUI Death


The Denverpost reports that 27-year-old Rebecca Maez was charged with vehicular homicide, vehicular assault, and driving while under revocation after killing 34-year-old Jennifer Friede in an accident on the morning of September 1. It’s is alleged that Ms. Maez was driving drunk down the wrong way in the HOV lane while on Interstate 25 and struck the vehicle head-on in which Ms. Fried was a passenger in. Ms. Friede’s boyfriend was in the driver’s seat and was transported to the hospital with serious injuries. Rebecca Maez remains in jail on an $80,000 dollar bond and is scheduled for a court appearance on Monday, September 9.


According to a 2011 report from MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), “every day in America, 27 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes” and “ In 2011, 9,878 people died in drunk driving crashes, that’s one person every 53 minutes.” People should be aware that things like coffee and a cold showers don’t work to sober you up. Alcohol metabolizes at the same rate in your body no matter what you do so the best way to sober up before driving is to give yourself time or make sure you have a responsible designated driver.


If you have been charged or are being investigated for vehicular assault or vehicular homicide you immediately consult with a Colorado criminal defense attorney to understand your rights and options going forward.


Denver Criminal Defense AttorneyMr. Louth will answer all your questions and give you an idea of where your case is headed during a free consultation. Contact Boulder Vehicular Assault and Boulder Vehicular Homicide Attorney Steven Louth at 303-441-2297.


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