Woman Hit By Mall Ride Faces Charges | Denver Defense Lawyer

According to 9News a woman has suffered serious head injuries after being hit by a public transportation bus on 16th street mall. The woman was hit by the 16th street mall ride after crossing in front of the bus. The police reports dictated by Denver Post and 9News say that police have not ruled out alcohol as a factor. The woman was ticketed but neither report specified why.

If you are facing criminal charges after being injured in a pedestrian-car collision, contact a Denver defense lawyer to help protect your rights.

The 16th Street Mall Shuttle is one of seven 'regular fixed route' buses. According to RTD-denver.com this mall ride boards over 13 million passengers in a year. This is a free service that carried nearly 49,000 pedestrians a day over the 1.4 mile stretch of the 16th street mall. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration the majority of accidents occur with public transportation vehicles occurs in the front of the transit vehicle. NHTSA also reported that the city of Denver alone had 40 fatalities due to traffic accidents in 2010. This was an 11% increase from 2009. There were 448 deaths in the state of Colorado due to car crash and over 60% of those involved in crashes were under the influence of alcohol.

Denver Criminal Defense AttorneyAre you being charged for a crime you did not commit? Or made a terrible mistake and feel you are being treated unfairly? Contact a Denver defense lawyer today to help ensure that your rights are being upheld. When facing the legal system it is a difficult process and can be very confusing. Don't face it alone. Steven Louth is an experienced attorney who has worked with countless people who've been accused of criminal activity. Facing criminal charges when you are unrepresented by a defense attorney can drastically change the outcome of your conviction. A dedicated defense lawyer can help you navigate through the judicial system and can change the results of your sentencing drastically. Contact Steven Louth today to help yourself get the best possible outcome of your charges. For a free consultation call (303) 442-2297 today!

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