Boulder Porta Potty Peeper & Colorado Peeping Tom Laws

creepy eye lookinug through hole in wood | Boulder Porta Potty Peeper Boulder police are on the lookout for a Boulder porta potty peeper at the East Boulder Recreation Center. Earlier in September, the individual held up a cell phone to a small hole in the porta potty and recorded a women who was inside. The peeping Tom was described as a white male with blonde hair between 18 and 25 years old, approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall and thin.The porta potty was taken out of service.

This isn’t the first time a porta potty peeper was sought by police officers in Boulder, In 2011, Luke Chrisco climbed into the tank of a porta potty at a Boulder yoga festival to spy on women. He was sentenced to 6 years in prison for his crime and for violating the terms of his probation. He was a sex offender who also failed to comply with the sex-offender treatment while on his parole. Upon sentencing Boulder judge Maria Berkenkotter said that he was an extreme danger to the community.

Colorado’s Peeping Tom Laws

Peeping into windows, porta potties, or homes is a sex crime in the state of Colorado and it could result in serious jail time. Peeping Toms are usually seeking sexual gratification. They’re usually looking to observe men or women in compromised and intimate states. Thus, peeping is often seen as a sexually-motivated act. Offenders can be charged with both criminal invasion of privacy and invasion of privacy for sexual gratification.

Colorado defines Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification as knowingly observing or taking a picture of another person’s intimate parts without that person’s consent. In order to be convicted of this crime, the person being observed must have had a reasonable expectation of privacy. So observing someone on a nude beach would not be a crime, but observing someone in a bathroom or in their own home would be a crime.

Further Reading: Crime on Colorado Campuses

In most cases, individuals who are convicted of this crime will be sentenced to a misdemeanor offense. However, if the crime was committed for sexual gratification, then they may face additional sex offender registration penalties. If the offender already had a history of sex crimes, then they will face felony charges and extensive prison time.

Even if you believe you are only facing misdemeanor charges, this can significantly impact your entire life. As such, it is important to fight back against these serious charges. You could end up on the sex offender registry for decades without an experienced Boulder criminal defense lawyer on your side.

Contact Our Boulder Criminal Defense Attorneys

The criminal defense attorneys of the Steven Louth Law Offices in Boulder and DenverIf you are facing charges of Invasion of Privacy or any other criminal charge, it is important to understand the severity of these charges. You have a right to fight back and we can help. Contact the Boulder criminal defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices today for a free consultation and review of your case. Call us at (303) 422-2297 to start building a solid defense against these serious criminal charges.

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