Crime on Colorado Campuses

students walking in a hallway at a university | Crime on Colorado CampusesCollege is a fun and exciting time for many students. Yet, it can also be a dangerous time, as teens and young adults do not always make the best choices. Sometimes those choices involve breaking the law, and when this occurs, students can face serious consequences that could last a lifetime.

The majority of crimes that occur on campuses include property crimes, such as vandalism or theft, however, other more serious crimes do occur frequently. In 2015, there were 27,500 reported criminal acts on campuses across the country. This represented a 2% increase from 2014. What types of crimes were committed? Among those crimes reported on campuses there were:

  • Burglaries – 45% of all crime (12,300)
  • Forcible sex offenses – 29% of all crime (8,000)
  • Motor vehicle theft – 12% of all crime (3000)
  • Aggravated assaults – 8% of all crime (2300)
  • Robberies – 3.6% of all crime (1000)
  • Hate crimes – 3% of all crime (860)

Campus Crimes are Unique

Campus crimes are a unique part of the law that involve both criminal investigations, as well as college disciplinary board hearings.  These hearings can jeopardize your criminal case and can have a detrimental effect on your future as a college student. An expulsion or criminal conviction can make it difficult for you to continue in your education or find employment later in life.

We have represented a variety of students who have been arrested and charged with crimes, including:

  • Drug crimes
  • Drunk driving (DUI)
  • Underage drinking
  • Public drunkenness
  • Sexual assault
  • Public indecency
  • Cyber crimes
  • Theft crimes
  • Assault and battery


You Need a College Criminal Defense Attorney

College crimes are taken seriously by law enforcement officials and could result in serious and long-term consequences for those who have been accused. If you’ve been accused of committing a crime on campus, it is important to call us immediately. At Steven Louth Law Offices, our criminal defense attorneys will aggressively defend you in court and provide support before college or university disciplinary boards. College student defense involves a detailed and complex understanding of Colorado law and campus disciplinary proceedings. As such, you need an experienced and skilled attorney on your side from the very start.

Contact Our Boulder Criminal Defense Lawyers

Juvenile crime defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices in Boulder, COIf you or someone you love has been accused of a crime on campus, call our law firm immediately to begin defending against these serious charges. Contact the Boulder criminal defense lawyers at Steven Louth Law Offices today for a free consultation and review of your case. Call us at (303) 422-2297 to start building a solid defense against these serious criminal charges.


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