What are the Penalties for Hit and Run in Denver?

If you are involved in an accident of any kind—even one that only involves property damage—you have a responsibility to notify the authorities and remain at the scene of the accident. Failure to do so could cause you to be arrested and charged with a hit and run. If your accident involved bodily injury, you could face serious felony charges, resulting in significant jail time and hefty fines.

Many hit and run accidents in Denver result in misdemeanor charges, because they simply cause property damage. Yet if your accident resulted in physical injury to another person or if you have previously been convicted of a hit and run, you could find yourself facing serious felony charges.

Colorado Hit and Run Criminal Penalty Charges
Accident only involving property damage:

  • Class 2 misdemeanor
  • Up to 1 year in jail
  • Up to $1,000 fines

Accident causing injury to someone:

  • Class 1 misdemeanor
  • Up to 18 months in jail
  • Up to $5,000 fines

Accident causing serious bodily injury to someone:

  • Class 5 felony
  • Up to 3 years in prison
  • Fines up to $500,000

Accident resulting in death:

  • Class 3 felony
  • Up to 12 years in prison
  • Fines up to $750,000

Make no mistake about it; if you flee the scene of an accident, you face serious consequences and penalties. Yet there are times when people may not even realize that they were involved in an accident. Sometimes in the initial moments following a crash, fear and adrenaline cause drivers to make poor choices and do things they would not normally have consciously done. This includes leaving the scene of an accident.

When this occurs, you need an experienced and aggressive Denver hit and run accident defense lawyer on your side. Your attorney may be able to have the hit and run charges reduced to a lesser driving infraction and one that comes with no time in jail.

Contact Us
Denver criminal defense attorney Steven Louth has successfully represented individuals who are accused of committing crimes throughout Colorado. After a hit and run accident, your future and your freedom are at stake. As such, he is always ready to fight the tough fight. The moment you step into his office you are never just a number—you become his number one priority.

If you have been arrested and charged with a crime in Denver, Boulder, or anywhere in Colorado, call Steven Louth Law Offices at 303-442-2297 today for a free case evaluation. No matter how serious the charges are against you, there are ways to fight them. Call today!


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