What is Vandalism?

In the State of Colorado, vandalism is also known as criminal mischief. According to Colorado law, you can be charged with vandalism if you damage or destroy another person’s property without their consent. These charges can range from misdemeanors to felony charges depending on the degree of destruction and the amount of property damage that is done. Even worse, some acts of vandalism could be considered a hate crime and may be prosecuted as such.

Types of Vandalism in Colorado

There are many different types of vandalism in the State of Colorado, but the following are the most common:

  • Keying a car
  • Slashing tires
  • Spray painting a wall, side of building, or overpass
  • Etching a window
  • Busting mailboxes with baseball bats
  • Carving name into a desk or bathroom stall
  • Ripping a bus seat
  • Breaking a window
  • Removing an emblem off of a car
  • And more

Penalties for Vandalism in Colorado

The penalties for vandalism vary widely according to the degree of property damage.
Class 3 Misdemeanor: Property damage less than $100

  • Up to 6 months in jail
  • $750 fines

Class 2 Misdemeanor: Property damage between $100 and $500

  • Up to 1 year in jail
  • Up to $1,000 fines

Class 1 Misdemeanor: Property damage between $500 and $1,000

  • Up to 18 months in jail
  • Up to $5,000 in fines

Class 4 Felony: Property damage between $1,000 and $20,000

  • Up to 3 years in prison
  • Up to $100,000 fines

Class 3 Felony: Property damage over $20,000

  • Up to 6 years in prison
  • Up to $500,000 fines

With the right legal representation, you may be able to avoid jail time and have your charges reduced to a misdemeanor with community service, in addition to payment of restitution to the victim. Without an aggressive Denver criminal defense lawyer, you may find yourself serving time in jail and with a felony on your criminal record.

If your act of vandalism was directed at a specific minority group, religious group, or ethnic group, you may find yourself facing more serious hate crime charges. When this occurs, you absolutely need a lawyer on your side.

Contact Us

Denver criminal defense attorney Steven Louth has successfully represented individuals who are accused of committing crimes throughout Colorado. He understands that your future and your freedom are at stake, and as such; he is always ready to fight the tough fight. The moment you step into his office you are never just a number—you become his number one priority.

If you have been arrested and charged with a crime in Denver, Boulder, or anywhere in Colorado, call Steven Louth Law Offices at 303-442-2297 today for a free case evaluation. No matter how serious the charges are against you, there are ways to fight them. Call today!


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